Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Selected Readings I

John Smith—(Born in 1579, died in 1631.)
His Story of Pocahontas.
(From the "General History of Virginia")3
William Bradford—(Born in 1590, died in 1657.)
The Pilgrims Land and Meet the Indians.
(From the "History of Plymouth")11
Samuel Sewall—(Born in 1652, died in 1730.)
How He Courted Madam Winthrop.
(From his "Diary")19
Cotton Mather—(Born in 1663, died in 1728.)
In Praise of John Eliot.
(From the "Magnalia Christi Americana")33
William Byrd—(Born in 1674, died in 1744.)
At the Home of Colonel Spotswood.
(From "A Visit to the Mines")38
Jonathan Edwards—(Born in 1703, died in 1758.)
Of Liberty and Moral Agencies.
(From the "Freedom of the Will")44
Benjamin Franklin—(Born in 1706, died in 1790.)
IHis First Entry into Philadelphia.
(From the "Autobiography")51
IIWarnings Braddock Did Not Heed.
(From the "Autobiography")55
IIIHow to Draw Lightning from the Clouds.
(From a letter to Peter Collinson)59
IVThe Way to Wealth.
(From "Poor Richard's Almanac")61
VDialog with the Gout68
VIA Proposal to Madame Helvetius.
(A letter to Madame Helvetius)76
George Washington—(Born in 1732, died in 1799.)
ITo His Wife on Taking Command of the Army.
(A letter written on June 18, 1775)79
IIOf His Army in Cambridge.
(A letter to Joseph Reed)81
IIITo the Marquis Chastellux on His Marriage.
(A letter of April 25, 1788)84
John Adams—(Born in 1735, died in 1826.)
IOn His Nomination of Washington to Be Commander-in-Chief.
(From his "Diary")87
IIAn Estimate of Franklin.
(From a letter to the Boston Patriot)90
Thomas Paine—(Born in 1737, died in 1809.)
In Favor of the Separation of the Colonies from Great Britain.
(From "Common Sense")94
Thomas Jefferson—(Born in 1743, died in 1826.)
IWhen the Bastile Fell.
(From his "Autobiography")98
IIThe Futility of Disputes.
(From a letter to his nephew)106
IIIOf Blacks and Whites in the South.
(From the "Notes on the State of Virginia")108
IVHis Account of Logan's Famous Speech.
(From the "Notes on Virginia")114
Gouverneur Morris—(Born in 1752, died in 1816.)
IThe Opening of the French States-General.
(From a letter to Mrs. Morris)117
IIOf the Execution of Louis XVI.
(From a letter to Thomas Jefferson)120
Alexander Hamilton—(Born in 1757, died in 1804.)
IOf the Failure of Confederation.
(From The Federalist)123
IIHis Reasons for not Declining Burr's Challenge.
(From a statement written before the day of the duel)129
John Quincy Adams—(Born in 1767, died in 1848.)
IOf His Mother.
(From the "Diary")133
IIThe Moral Taint Inherent in Slavery.
(From the "Diary")135
William E. Channing—(Born in 1780, died in 1842.)
Of Greatness in Napoleon.
(From a review of Scott's "Life of Napoleon")139
John James Audubon—(Born in 1780, died in 1857.)
Where the Mocking Bird Dwells.
(From the "Birds of America")144
Washington Irving—(Born in 1783, died in 1859.)
IThe Last of the Dutch Governors of New York.
(From "Knickerbocker's History of New York")147
IIThe Awakening of Rip Van Winkle.
(From the "Sketch Book")151
IIIAt Abbotsford with Scott.
(From the "Crayon Miscellany")161
Fenimore Cooper—(Born in 1789, died in 1851.)
IHis Father's Arrival at Otsego Lake.
(From "The Pioneers")170
IIRunning the Gantlet.
(From "The Last of the Mohicans")178
IIILeather-Stocking's Farewell.
(From "The Pioneers")185
William Cullen Bryant—(Born in 1794, died in 1878.)
An October Day in Florence.
(From a letter)194
William H. Prescott—(Born in 1796, died in 1859.)
IThe Fate of Egmont and Hoorne.
(From "Philip II")198
IIThe Genesis of Don Quixote.
(From the "Miscellanies")209
George Bancroft—(Born in 1800, died in 1891.)
The Fate of Evangeline's Countrymen.
(From the "History of the United States")217
Ralph Waldo Emerson—(Born in 1803, died in 1882.)
IThoreau's Broken Task.
(From the "Funeral Address")223
IIThe Intellectual Honesty of Montaigne.
(From "Representative Men")229
IIIHis Visit to Carlyle at Craigen-puttock.
(From "English Traits")231
Nathaniel Hawthorne—(Born in 1804, died in 1864.)
IOccupants of an Old Manse.
(From "Mosses from an Old Manse")235
IIArthur Dimmesdale on the Scaffold.
(From "The Scarlet Letter")242
IIIOf Life at Brook Farm.
(From "The Blithedale Romance")248
IVThe Death of Judge Pyncheon.
(From "The House of the Seven Gables")


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