Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Selected Readings II

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow—(Born in 1807, died in 1882.)
Musings in Père Lachaise.
(From "Outre-Mer")3
Edgar Allan Poe—(Born in 1809, died in 1849.)
IThe Cask of Amontillado.
(Published originally in Godey's Magazine in 1846)11
IIOf Hawthorne and the Short Story.
(From a review of Hawthorne's "Twice Told Tales" and "Mosses from an Old Manse" published in Godey's Magazine in 1846)19
IIIOf Willis, Bryant, Halleck and Macaulay.
(Passages selected from articles printed in Volume II of the "Works of Poe")25
Oliver Wendell Holmes—(Born in 1809, died in 1894.)
IOf Doctors, Lawyers and Ministers.
(From Chapter V of "The Poet at the Breakfast Table")31
IIOf the Genius of Emerson.
(From an address before the Massachusetts Historical Society in 1882)36
IIIThe House in Which the Professor Lived.
(From Part X of "The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table")42
IVOf Women Who Put on Airs.
(From Part XI of "The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table")49
Margaret Fuller—(Born in 1810, lost in a shipwreck off Fire Island in 1850.)
IHer Visit to George Sand.
(From a letter to Elizabeth Hoar)52
IITwo Glimpses of Carlyle.
(From a letter to Emerson)54
Horace Greeley—(Born in 1811, died in 1872.)
The Fatality of Self-Seeking in Editors and Authors.
(Printed with the "Miscellanies" in the "Recollections of a Busy Life")58
John Lothrop Motley—(Born in 1814, died in 1877.)
ICharles V and Philip II in Brussels.
(From Chapter I of "The Rise of the Dutch Republic")63
IIThe Arrival of the Spanish Armada.
(From Chapter XIX of the "History of the United Netherlands")74
III"The Spanish Fury."
(From Part IV, Chapter V, of "The Rise of the Dutch Republic")84
Richard Henry Dana, the Younger—(Born in 1815, died in 1882.)
A Fierce Gale under a Clear Sky.
(From "Two Years Before the Mast")93
Henry David Thoreau—(Born in 1817, died in 1862.)
IThe Building of His House at Walden Pond.
(From Chapter I of "Walden, or, Life in the Woods")99
IIHow to Make Two Small Ends Meet.
(From Chapters I and II of "Walden")103
IIIOn Reading the Ancient Classics.
(From Chapter III of "Walden")115
IVOf Society and Solitude.
(From Chapter IV of "Walden")120
James Russell Lowell—(Born in 1819, died in 1891.)
IThe Poet as Prophet.
(From an essay contributed to The Pioneer in 1843)125
IIThe First of the Moderns.
(From the first essay in the first series, entitled "Among My Books")129
IIIOf Faults Found in Shakespeare.
(From the essay entitled "Shakespeare Once More," printed in the first series entitled "Among My Books")133
IVAmericans as Successors of the Dutch.
(From the essay entitled "On a Certain Condescension in Foreigners," printed in "From My Study Window")138
Charles A. Dana—(Born in 1819, died in 1897.)
Greeley as a Man of Genius.
(From an article printed in the New York Sun, December 5, 1872)146
James Parton—(Born in 1822, died in 1891.)
Aaron Burr and Madame Jumel.
(From his "Life of Burr")150
Francis Parkman—(Born in 1823, died in 1893.)
IChamplain's Battle with the Iroquois.
(From Chapter X of "The Pioneers of France in the New World")157
IIThe Death of La Salle.
(From Chapter XXV of "La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West")161
IIIThe Coming of Frontenac to Canada.
(From Chapters I and II of "Count Frontenac and New France")167
IVThe Death of Isaac Jogues.
(From Chapters XVI and XX of "The Jesuits in North America")171
VWhy New France Failed.
(From the Introduction to "The Pioneers of France in the New World")176
VIThe Return of the Coureurs-de-Bois.
(From Chapter XVIII of "The Old Régime in Canada")179
George William Curtis—(Born in 1824, died in 1892.)
Our Cousin the Curate.
(From Chapter VII of "Prue and I")183
Artemus Ward—(Born in 1824, died in 1867.)
Forrest as Othello.
(From "Artemus Ward, His Book")191
Thomas Bailey Aldrich—(Born in 1836, died in 1908.)
IA Sunrise in Stillwater.
(From Chapter I of "The Stillwater Tragedy")195
IIThe Fight at Slatter's Hill.
(From Chapter XIII of "The Story of a Bad Boy")198
IIIOn Returning from Europe.
(From Chapter IX of "From Ponkapog to Pesth")204
William Dean Howells—(Born in 1837.)
To Albany by the Night Boat.
(From Chapter III of "The Wedding Journey")207
John Hay—(Born in 1838, died in 1905.)
Lincoln's Early Fame.
(From Volume X, Chapter XVIII of "Abraham Lincoln, A History")211
Henry Adams—(Born in 1838.)
Jefferson's Retirement.
(From the "History of the United States")219
Bret Harte—(Born in 1839, died in 1902.)
IPeggy Moffat's Inheritance.
(From "The Twins of Table Mountain")224
IIJohn Chinaman.
(From "The Luck of Roaring Camp")236
IIIM'liss Goes to School.
(From "M'liss," one of the stories in "The Luck of Roaring Camp")240
Henry James—(Born in 1843.)
IAmong the Malvern Hills.
(From "A Passionate Pilgrim and Other Tales")246
IITurgeneff's World.
(From "French Poets and Novelists")252
Index To the Ten Volumes255

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